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HomeMembership Applicaitons

Here's why you should join our club....
Car Show Events, Tech Sessions, Cruise & Dine, Interest in British Cars, and Great Club Comradery 

Click here and go online to complete your application on a profile form that allows you to enter additional info about you, your family and your cars. But still send your car pictures to our Webmaster, Chuck Culver at
CAC34@COMCAST.NET for upload to the site.

(Associate Memberships are available for British Car Owners who live outside of The Villages)

On-Line Club Membership Application


Click here to print and complete a paper application and bring to our next event along with a check for $25 dues. Also, please send an email to CAC34@COMCAST.NET with pictures of your British Cars and a write up on Make, Model, Year, Color and Tech Specifications.

Meetings inside are four times a year to be announced. Dues are $20.00 per year ($30.00 for Associate Memberships) due by Feb 28th.
If you join after that date i
t’s still dues are good till the end of the year. Non-paid members will not have access to all the website features (parts, garages, etc) Make checks out to: The Villages British Motoring Club” Submit this form at the next meeting of send dues to: Steve Van Ess,, 843 Yemassee Loop, The Villages, FL 32162

New Member Paper Application

(Associate Memberships are available for British Car Owners who live outside of The Villages)

The benefits of joining a car club

While some people do not consider joining a car club a productive thing to get involved into, most car owners and even non owners find joining a specific car club very much productive and exciting. This article will deal on the advantages and relevant matters that people should know especially those few people who find joining a car club a mere waste of time and energy.

1. Car clubs provide a venue for collaborative interchange among people who share the same ideas, aspirations and aims. A car club is a great place where car club members can exchange helpful insights and ideas on how they can improve their car performance. It is likewise a place where they can learn from each other as to matters that deal with car maintenance and other things. They can likewise promote a goal shared by members through their group.

2. A car club provides a place for socialization. Needless to mention, a club enables a member to meet other avid car lovers from different walks of life. A club has great potential in developing a person's personality.

3. Car clubs provide a place where car owners can share knowledge on latest car technologies.

4. A car club allow people sharing same aspirations to pursue goals collectively that enable them to reach aims more efficiently and effectively.

These are but some the coolest things that joining a club today can possibly give you. There are definitely a lot more in store for you.

In addition, it is now possible to join a club even if you are not yet a car owner. The Internet provides a venue for this. Now, it is possible to share advice and ideas even if the other collaborator is from another country.

Car club members also benefit from tons of publications and advices offered by clubs. And because most clubs only specialize on certain fields, brands, makes and models, members are assured that the advice they get are suited for their very needs.

A club is indeed a place where enthusiastic car fans and lovers can make relevant contribution to the growing body of knowledge about car technology, maintenance and some other useful things that will be beneficial not only for members but to non-members also. This is because non members can also download and view information posted on websites of car clubs.

But definitely if you want to get unlimited access to great bulk and tons of information it is still best to become a car club owner yourself.

So, with these reasons enumerated and showed to you, you are more likely to join car clubs now. But in case not, you can still search for more reasons to join clubs. But, as far as members are concerned it is one decision they are definitely proud of. For these people, it's a decision that really made a difference in their lives as car owners.

The Villages British Motoring Club